Process Service
The process services we provide are not general consulting, but practical ones tailored to organizational goals, issues, and development characteristics, and support the process until it is established in the organization.
Current situation analysis & improvement support
We analyze the current situation and formulate improvement plans for issues such as processes defined for the whole company & departments and by each project, many development-related departments with ambiguous responsibilities, frequent specification changes from customers, and low quality. After that, we will provide process construction and operation support through consulting. Standardization & Implementation education and certification support are also available.
Standard conformity process construction
While compliance with ISO26262 and Automotive SPICE is required, a practical process is required at the site, and it is necessary to build a process according to the site situation.
The service we provide proposes process construction according to the situation at the site, and works with the customer on process construction.
Process establishment support
We support EPG and quality assurance activities in order to establish the constructed process in the field.
In addition, we can build a system and support work by utilizing our expertise for issues such as difficulty in securing SQA activity personnel due to lack of skills and know-how related to quality assurance, and insufficient functional safety response due to lack of functional safety experts.
Organizational goals
■ Build and establish effective processes, improve quality and productivity
■ Expanding the amount of work by complying with the standards required by OEMs